Plant Sale 2025 ~ Larchmere Community Association
to May 11

Plant Sale 2025 ~ Larchmere Community Association

The 26th Annual Larchmere Community Association Plant Sale is approaching.

Organizers look forward to you joining our volunteer team!

* Same Spacious Location *

Our Lady of Peace Cummins Hall

12601 Shaker Boulevard

We’ll have annuals, perennials, pots, flats, and hanging baskets. Welcome spring and beautify your home, porch, yard and neighborhood throughout summer and fall. Pre order your plants before May 3rd and receive 10% off your order.

Special requests & arrangements can be made in advance; Text or call Susan 216-346-3250 or Jane 216-269-9060 Organizers can provide contactless pickup if needed.

Orders subject to availability. Pre-Orders may be switched out for like-priced items at Day of Sale.

All proceeds benefit Larchmere Community Association activities

Plant Sale Pre-Order Form 2025 available soon

To fill out the form digitally--just download, open in Adobe Reader & complete. Be sure to save, then attach it to an email to

Or, print & complete by hand; then scan to email it, snail mail, or drop it off to the E 130th address on the form.

For more info, forms or to contribute your time/talents: contact Jane @ or call/text 216-269-9060

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Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere
12:00 PM12:00

Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere

Join us for an entire day full of Family Fun at; Rock the Blocks on Larchmere!  We are focusing on healthy activities and personal challenges throughout the day.  Share your creative side by dressing up and participating in our parade of local flavor with kids, merchants and neighbors!  Enjoy our ice cream social, live band & DJ entertainment at the Talent Stage, restaurants and food trucks, and shop with local and visiting vendors.

If you are interested in participating or want to know more, check out or call 216-509-4619

Time Line...

  • To Be Determined


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Larchmere PorchFest 2025!
2:00 PM14:00

Larchmere PorchFest 2025!

We are very excited to announce the 17th Annual Larchmere PorchFest back to the boulevard! The date is June 28, 2025 featuring local bands that represent a wide variety of music styles- drawing a wide spectrum of fans to the area for this one day music festival.

The mission of Larchmere PorchFest is to promote local arts, build community cohesion, and promote social welfare by lessening neighborhood tensions, combating deterioration and fostering an environment in which music and the arts can thrive.

The day includes thirty bands on thirty porches. Each concert lasts approximately 35 minutes with ten minute breaks to rotate to your next venue. There will be two finale concerts at 6:00PM and 7:00PM. on 126th which will be closed to through traffic. Starting at 8:00pm, performances will take place at participating restaurants until 10:00PM. Pick a time, or stay all day, we guarantee it’ll be fun!

Download the schedule of band performances HERE, or stop in the local merchant establishments for a hand held card.

This family-friendly event is supported by our amazing volunteers, partners, sponsors and donors. Larchmere PorchFest is a 501c3 Ohio Non-Profit Corporation. Here’s your chance to reach thousands of local customers at our neighborhood music festival… Deadline May 15th.

If you have any questions, please contact Fran Kalafatis at 216-288-3035

Email or Mail c/o Dawn Arrington, 11327 Shaker Blvd, Suite 500W, Cleveland, OH 44104

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Larchmere PorchFest 2024!
2:00 PM14:00

Larchmere PorchFest 2024!

We are very excited to announce the 16th Annual Larchmere PorchFest back to the boulevard! The date is June 29, 2024 featuring local bands that represent a wide variety of music styles- drawing a wide spectrum of fans to the area for this one day music festival.

The mission of Larchmere PorchFest is to promote local arts, build community cohesion, and promote social welfare by lessening neighborhood tensions, combating deterioration and fostering an environment in which music and the arts can thrive.

The day includes thirty bands on thirty porches. Each concert lasts approximately 35 minutes with ten minute breaks to rotate to your next venue. There will be two finale concerts at 6:00PM and 7:00PM. on 126th which will be closed to through traffic. Starting at 8:00pm, performances will take place at participating restaurants until 10:00PM. Pick a time, or stay all day, we guarantee it’ll be fun!

Download the schedule of band performances HERE, or stop in the local merchant establishments for a hand held card.

This family-friendly event is supported by our amazing volunteers, partners, sponsors and donors. Larchmere PorchFest is a 501c3 Ohio Non-Profit Corporation. Here’s your chance to reach thousands of local customers at our neighborhood music festival… Deadline May 15th.

If you have any questions, please contact Fran Kalafatis at 216-288-3035

Email or Mail c/o Dawn Arrington, 11327 Shaker Blvd, Suite 500W, Cleveland, OH 44104

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Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere
12:00 PM12:00

Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere

Join us for an entire day full of Family Fun at; Rock the Blocks on Larchmere!  We are focusing on healthy activities and personal challenges throughout the day.  Share your creative side by dressing up and participating in our parade of local flavor with kids, merchants and neighbors!  Enjoy our ice cream social, live band & DJ entertainment, restaurants and food trucks, and shop with local and visiting vendors.

  •  Fit Challenge

  • Community Parade: Warrensville Marching Band

  • Live Entertainment

  • Ice Cream Social -FREE Ice Cream 

  • FREE Food, Games and More!

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Cooking Demonstrations

 If you are interested in participating or want to know more, contact Amira:

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Memorial Day Weekend Sidewalk Sale
10:00 AM10:00

Memorial Day Weekend Sidewalk Sale

Shop for treasures & bargain priced merchandise on Larchmere Boulevard! Our annual Memorial Day Weekend will feature the best of our upbeat vitality and offbeat charming merchants. Come spend the day in our lovely neighborhood.

Discover Larchmere Historic District and find over 45 restaurants, galleries, services and shops featuring: arts & crafts, fresh baked goods, beauty and barber shops, phenomenal books, American-Brazilian-Columbian-Vegan food establishments, car care and detailing, one of a kind clothing, coffee and mocktails, self-care products, vintage and resale, yoga and more!

Saturday Only

For more information:

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Plant Sale 2024 ~ Larchmere Community Association   (Copy)
9:00 AM09:00

Plant Sale 2024 ~ Larchmere Community Association (Copy)

The 25th Annual Larchmere Community Association Plant Sale is approaching.

Organizers look forward to you joining our volunteer team!

* Same Spacious Location *

Our Lady of Peace Cummins Hall

12601 Shaker Boulevard

We’ll have annuals, perennials, pots, flats, and hanging baskets. Welcome spring and beautify your home, porch, yard and neighborhood throughout summer and fall. Pre order your plants before May 4th and receive 10% off your order.

Special requests & arrangements can be made in advance; Text or call Susan 216-346-3250 or Jane 216-269-9060 Organizers can provide contactless pickup if needed.

Orders subject to availability. Pre-Orders may be switched out for like-priced items at Day of Sale.

All proceeds benefit Larchmere Community Association activities

Plant Sale Pre Order Form 2024

To fill out the form digitally--just download, open in Adobe Reader & complete. Be sure to save, then attach it to an email to

Or, print & complete by hand; then scan to email it, snail mail, or drop it off to the E 130th address on the form.

For more info, forms or to contribute your time/talents: contact Jane @ or call/text 216-269-9060

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Author Alley Children's Literature & Illustrated Books
12:00 PM12:00

Author Alley Children's Literature & Illustrated Books

Cleveland is home to many talented writers, creators, journalists, historians, and spinners of fantasy. Every year at Author Alley, we host more than two dozen of these scribes for you to meet and greet! It's always festive on Larchmere, so there's plenty to do and see, lots of networking to weave, and both new and famous authors to meet, greet, and sign books. For details on this year's event, please visit our Author Alley.

All local writers are eligible, from self-published to national blockbusters. Participation is free for both authors and audience, and is capped at 50 authors.

Authors; Download registration form from our website.

Readers; Come and enjoy a day of literary celebrations.


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Upcycle & Vintage Sidewalk Sale
10:00 AM10:00

Upcycle & Vintage Sidewalk Sale

Join us this Labor Day Weekend (Saturday) for our Upcycle & Vintage Sidewalk Sale! In addition to the local merchants hosting special deals, we are inviting all Up-Cycle, Recycle, Re-Use and throwback to your favorite era vendors! There will be a large focus on clothing, but show us how you fit into our theme, and we’d love the company.

Dress up in your favorite era, and enter our raffle for gift certificates to your favorite neighborhood establishment! Music and entertainment stations will be set-up along the boulevard. More details to come…
Vendor Spaces are available at $65 (10x10).

Kid entrepreneurs encouraged! Partnerships, community groups, clubs etc.

Contact Tracey Hillbert at Eclectic Eccentric 216-798-3002 or Adam Southington at MsFitXchange 216-508-0679

Vendor sign-up sheet HERE!

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Author Alley Fiction
12:00 PM12:00

Author Alley Fiction

Cleveland is home to many talented writers, creators, journalists, historians, and spinners of fantasy. Every year at Author Alley, we host more than two dozen of these scribes for you to meet and greet! It's another festive day on Larchmere, so there's plenty to do and see, lots of networking to weave, and both new and famous authors to meet, greet, and sign books. For details on this year's schedule of event, please visit our Author Alley.

All local writers are eligible, from self-published to national blockbusters. Participation is free for both authors and audience, and is capped at 50 authors.

Authors: Download registration form from our website.

Readers; Come and enjoy a day of literary celebrations.


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Author Alley Non-Fiction & Poetry
12:00 PM12:00

Author Alley Non-Fiction & Poetry

Cleveland is home to many talented writers, creators, journalists, historians, and spinners of fantasy. Every year at Author Alley, we host more than two dozen of these scribes for you to meet and greet! It's Festival day on Larchmere, so there's plenty to do and see, lots of networking to weave, and both new and famous authors to meet, greet, and sign books. For details on this year's event, please visit our Author Alley.

All writers are eligible, from self-published to national blockbuster. Participation is free for both the authors and audience, and is capped at 50 authors.

Authors; Download the registration form from our website.

Readers; Come and enjoy a day of literary celebrations. webpage:

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Author Alley BIPOC Black Indigenous People of Color
12:00 PM12:00

Author Alley BIPOC Black Indigenous People of Color

Cleveland is home to many talented writers, creators, journalists, historians, and spinners of fantasy. Every year at Author Alley, we host more than two dozen of these scribes for you to meet and greet! There's plenty to do and see, lots of networking to weave, and both new and famous authors to meet, greet, and sign books. For details on this year's event, please visit our Author Alley

All local writers are eligible, from self-published to national blockbusters. Participation is free for both authors and audience, and is capped at 50 authors.

Authors: Download registration form from our website.

Readers; Conme enjoy a day of literary celebrations. webpage:

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Community Yard Sale
10:00 AM10:00

Community Yard Sale

Join us this Memorial Day Weekend for our Community Yard Sale!
In addition to the local merchants hosting special deals, all neighbors are invited to participate and bring out their treasures for a street wide Sidewalk or Yard Sale.
Street spots on Larchmere are limited and will cost $25 for neighbors of the Greater Buckeye Neighborhood. Vendor Spaces are available at $65 (10x10) for other visitors.
Or take advantage of the day and set up right in your own driveway or garage, and post a sign on the corner!

Have items you just want to donate? The Larchmere Community Association is hosting tables at Shaker Quality Auto. Drop off in the morning, and a team of volunteers will gladly peddle your wares for the benefit of the community. Stay and meet a neighbor or two!

What doesn’t sell at the end of the day, will be swapped, traded or donated!

Kids tables and lemonade stands encouraged! Youth art and clothing?…Upcycle crafting supplies? Electronic sections? We will try to group like items for more impact and see where this grows!

Contact Susan Rozman at Fiddlehead Gallery for more info 216-231-9400

Vendor sign-up sheet HERE!
Download and email to
or hand deliver to Fiddlehead Gallery 12736 Larchmere Blvd.

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Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association
9:00 AM09:00

Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association

The 24th Annual Larchmere Community Association Plant Sale is approaching.

Organizers look forward to you joining our volunteer team!

* Same Spacious Location *

Our Lady of Peace Cummins Hall

12601 Shaker Boulevard

We’ll have annuals, perennials, pots, flats, and hanging baskets. Welcome spring and beautify your home, porch, yard and neighborhood throughout summer and fall. Pre order your plants before May 6th and receive 10% off your order.

Special requests & arrangements can be made in advance; Text or call Susan 216-346-3250 or Jane 216-269-9060 Organizers can provide contactless pickup if needed.

Orders subject to availability. Pre-Orders may be switched out for like-priced items at Day of Sale.

All proceeds benefit Larchmere Community Association activities

Plant Sale Pre Order Form 2023

To fill out the form digitally--just download, open in Adobe Reader & complete. Be sure to save, then attach it to an email to

Or, print & complete by hand; then scan to email it, snail mail, or drop it off to the E 130th address on the form.

For more info, forms or to contribute your time/talents: contact Jane @ or call/text 216-269-9060

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Larchmere Holiday Stroll
to Nov 26

Larchmere Holiday Stroll

  • Cleveland, OH 44120 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come celebrate 51 years of Holiday Strolls and festivities!

Established in 1971, the Larchmere Holiday Stroll is a holiday tradition of old-world shopping pleasures: cider and cookies, arts and vintage, classy clothing and hair design, and great eats amidst the holiday bustle.

Thanksgiving Weekend
Friday Nov. 25th - Saturday Nov. 26th


Some shops will also be open Sunday from 12pm-5pm

Warm beverages and seasonal treats available at select locations

So start your holiday shopping early and enjoy the day with friends and family!

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Larchmere Fall Festival
12:00 PM12:00

Larchmere Fall Festival

Bring the whole family to Larchmere Boulevard for some great fall fun!

We’re also bringing back the yearly Candy Run for early Trick-or-Treaters. Look for the “Candy Run” sign in participating merchant windows from noon to 6pm day of festival.

Activity Guide

  • Beauty in the CLE - Kids Craft

  • Busy Boss Bakery - Dipping Pretzels & Halloween Movies

  • Eclectic Eccentric - Live Band “Sheela and The Others” from 2pm - 3:30pm

  • Fine Points - Magic Tricks

  • Fiddlehead Gallery - Kids Craft

  • Larchmere Center for Wellbeing - Paint your own Pumpkin

  • Loganberry Books - Scavenger Hunt

  • Lotus Candles - Free Caricature Drawing from 12pm - 3pm

  • MsFitXchange - In Store Find-A-Prize & Pick a Deal out of a Pumpkin

  • Our Favorite Things - Face Painting & Hot Dogs

  • SomethinGood - S'mores & Vegan Pop-Up

  • Station Six Barbershop - Buy One, Get One Free Haircut

  • A Touch of Rain Nail Spa - Kids Craft

  • UnBar Café - Kids Craft & Cider

More activities to come day of festival

ALL AGES Cornhole Competition!

Register your team (2 Players) by Oct. 28th at one of the following locations:

Competition Sites
12210 SomethinGood
12407 A Touch of Rain
12635 UnBar Café
12800 Academy Tavern

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Larchmere PorchFest 2022!
2:00 PM14:00

Larchmere PorchFest 2022!

We are very excited to announce that a group of volunteers are bringing Larchmere PorchFest back again to the boulevard. The date is June 25, 2022 beginning at approximately 2:00PM, with set-up beginning around 11:00AM.

The mission of Larchmere PorchFest is to highlight the Larchmere neighborhood and to encourage merchants to participate and promote their business in partnership with the PorchFest Organization.

The plan includes twenty-two bands on twenty-two porches. Each concert lasts approximately 35 minutes with ten minute breaks to rotate to your next venue. There will be two finale concerts at 6:00PM and 7:00PM. After-hour concerts will take place at participating restaurants with backyard spaces until 10:00PM.

There are sponsorships available, and we hope for a matching funds program as well. There will also be an online funding campaign through IOBY. Larchmere PorchFest is a 501c3 Ohio Non-Profit Corporation.

If you have any questions, please contact Fran Kalafatis, a member of the Festival Committee, at 216-288-3035. Email or Mail c/o Dawn Arrington, 11327 Shaker Blvd, Suite 500W, Cleveland, OH 44104

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Larchmere Juneteenth Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Larchmere Juneteenth Celebration

Celebrate Freedom, Equality, & Culture!

“Juneteenth has been celebrated since 1866, mostly by Black Americans; yet it’s a day that’s worthy of celebration by every American, as it represents a critical turning point in American history, not just Black history. It is the day that we as a people finally began to live up to one of the greatest principles we professed: a nation devoted to liberty for all.” *

Join us on Larchmere for a freedom day celebration with:

  • African Drumming

  • Ancestor Call

  • Village Building

  • Over 40 Visiting Artisans and Food Vendors

Special Performance by: #Virgo & J.R. Blessington

Become a Vendor or for more information:
Call 614-516-5584
Download Vendor Contract Here

*This quote originally appeared in The Washington Times

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Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere
11:00 AM11:00

Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere

Join us for an entire day full of Family Fun at; Rock the Blocks on Larchmere!  We are focusing on healthy activities and personal challenges throughout the day.  Share your creative side by dressing up and participating in our parade of local flavor with kids, merchants and neighbors!  Enjoy our ice cream social, live band & DJ entertainment at the Talent Stage, restaurants and food trucks, and shop with local and visiting vendors.

If you are interested in participating or want to know more, check out or call 216-509-4619

Time Line...

  • To Be Determined


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Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association
9:00 AM09:00

Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association

The 23rd Annual Larchmere Community Association Plant Sale is approaching.

Organizers will provide contactless pickup and pre orders forms can be found HERE

* New Location *

Our Lady of Peace Cummins Hall

12601 Shaker Boulevard

We’ll have annuals, perennials, pots, flats, and hanging baskets. Welcome spring and beautify your home, porch, yard and neighborhood throughout summer and fall. Pre order your plants before May 1st and receive 10% off your order.

Special requests & arrangements can be made in advance; Orders subject to availability. Pre-Orders may be switched out for like-priced items at Day of Sale.

For more info, forms or to contribute your time/talents: or call/text 216-269-9060

All proceeds benefit Larchmere Community Association activities

Plant Sale Pre Order Form 2022

To fill out digitally--just download, open in Adobe Reader & complete. Be sure to save, then attach it to an email to Or, print & complete by hand, then scan to email it, snail mail, or drop it off to the E 130th address on the form.

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Larchmere Holiday Stroll - 50th Anniversary!
to Nov 27

Larchmere Holiday Stroll - 50th Anniversary!

  • Google Calendar ICS

Come celebrate 50 years of Holiday Strolls and festivities!

Established in 1971, the Larchmere Holiday Stroll is a holiday tradition of old-world shopping pleasures: cider and cookies, arts and antiques, classy clothing and hair design, author visits, and charity fundraising amidst the holiday bustle.

Free Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides Friday & Saturday 12-4pm
Warm beverages and seasonal treats available at select locations

Thanksgiving Weekend Friday Nov. 26th - Saturday Nov. 27th
Some shops will also be open Sunday from 12-5pm

So start your holiday shopping early and enjoy the day with friends and family!

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Larchmere Positivity Fest
11:00 AM11:00

Larchmere Positivity Fest

Join us Saturday, July 3rd for our first Positivity Fest
Good vibes, great music, and beautiful people ~

11:00 AM - Face Painting
1:00 PM - Zumba with Sonja Persons of Fit Fusion

Vendors, Food, and Shopping throughout the street

Vendor spaces are available! Call: 1-800-975-0731


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Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association
9:00 AM09:00

Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association

The 22nd Annual Larchmere Community Association Plant Sale is on for May 8th!

Organizers will provide contactless pickup and pre orders forms are available here Order Form

To use the attached order form:

Just download, open in Adobe Reader & complete. Be sure to save, then attach it to an email to

Or, print & complete by hand, then scan to email it, snail mail, or drop it off.   

Contact us if you have any difficulties.

The location is 12619 Larchmere Blvd. (next to UnBar Cafe parking lot)

We’ll have annuals, perennials, pots, flats, and hanging baskets. Welcome spring and beautify your home, porch, yard and neighborhood throughout summer and fall. Pre order your plants before May 1st and receive 10% off your order.

Special requests & arrangements can be made in advance; Orders subject to availability. Pre-Orders may be switched out for like-priced items at Day of Sale.

For more info, forms or to contribute your time/talents: or call/text 216-269-9060

All proceeds benefit Larchmere Community Association activities

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Larchmere Holiday Stroll
to Nov 29

Larchmere Holiday Stroll

  • Google Calendar ICS

Start your holiday shopping early and discover over 45+ independent shops, galleries, restaurants, and services!

Peruse the quaint shops for unique items you can't find on-line, complimentary treats and beverages served throughout the district!

Need ideas?....pamper the cook with a pedicure or massage gift certificate, interior detailing for any type of home or hot rod, sign-up for drumming, yoga, or glass blowing, and of course, eat, shop and conduct all types of business on 10 blocks with diverse businesses young and old.

Friday, November 27th 11AM - 5PM
Saturday, November 28th 11AM - 5PM
(Some shops open Sunday!)

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Author Alley
12:00 PM12:00

Author Alley

Cleveland is home to many talented writers, creators, journalists, historians, and spinners of fantasy. Every year at Author Alley, we host more than two dozen of these scribes for you to meet and greet! It's Festival day on Larchmere, so there's plenty to do and see, lots of networking to weave, and both new and famous authors to meet, greet, and sign books. For details on this year's event, please visit our Author Alley webpage:

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Larchmere Festival to be determined...
10:00 AM10:00

Larchmere Festival to be determined...

  • 12736 Larchmere Boulevard Cleveland, OH, 44120 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please check back / This event may be cancelled due to Covid-19…

Join us for our 14th annual Larchmere Festival on Saturday, July 11th from 10am to 5pm, and then stick around for some music.  We've come a long way from our first community festival, and we've edged out some quirky aspects that you won't find at any other festival in town - like our extensive Author Alley with as many as 50 participants, a Chess Challenge, Martial Arts demonstrations, a wide mix of craft, antique, vintage and recycled items, fashion boutiques and home grown community organizations. Come and support our up and coming entrepreneurs.

  • Register today for vendor space up and down Larchmere Boulevard - Vendor Application: will be uploaded soon

  • There is separate registration for independent authors at Loganberry Books - Author Alley, Registration Form

  • We’ve kept the same low vendor rates since 2010, and we’ve extended the Early Bird rate by a fortnight. An intern is coordinating the vendors this year, and you can reach her directly at 216-795-9800 or, starting June 4

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PorchFest has been cancelled for 2020
1:00 PM13:00

PorchFest has been cancelled for 2020

With a heavy heart, the Larchmere PorchFest Board of Directors announces the cancellation of Larchmere PorchFest 2020, scheduled for Saturday, June 20th.

After communicating with the City of Cleveland, Councilman Blaine Griffin, and health officials, it has been determined that we cannot safely hold the event in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The well-being of our community and partners is always our highest priority and continues to be during this global crisis. 

Thank you for your ongoing support of our annual community event over the past 12 years. We hope you will continue to support local music and the fine businesses on Larchmere, as well as throughout Greater Cleveland. 

We will continue to monitor the situation and post updates on our website and social media. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at Stay safe and healthy!

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Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere
11:00 AM11:00

Rock the Blocks ~ Larchmere

Join us for an entire day full of Family Fun at; Rock the Blocks on Larchmere!  We are focusing on healthy activities and personal challenges throughout the day.  Share your creative side by dressing up and participating in our parade of local flavor with kids, merchants and neighbors!  Enjoy our ice cream social, Cocktail Vineyard, live band & DJ entertainment at the Talent Stage, restaurants and food trucks, and shop with local and visiting vendors.

If you are interested in participating or want to know more, check out or call 216-509-4619

Time Line...

  • Fit Challenge / Community Workout 11:00am-11:45am

  • Food Court 11:00am-6:00pm

  • Police & Security Block Off Larchmere 11:00am-1:30pm

  • Parade Participants line up at (130th & Larchmere Avenue) 11:00am

  • Parade Kick Off 12:00pm

  • Vendor Pop-Ups along Larchmere Boulevard 10:00am-6:00pm

  • Ice Cream Social with FREE ice cream 12:00pm-5:00pm

  • Talent Stage and Arts & Crafts 1:00pm-6:00pm


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10:00 AM10:00

Memorial Day Weekend Sidewalk Sale

Join us for this kick off to the summer along our ever-evolving Larchmere Boulevard Business District. We have been adjusting our community contact requirements to keep you safe during this time of covid-19. Because of this, we will not be providing space for additional vendors this weekend, and will adjust our approach in our individual spaces to help us ease back into social activities.

Many of our stores are are able to have curb side pick-up, and starting May 12 more options are available. Please check with your favorite merchant for details and requirements. Our service industry has not received the green light with how to proceed, but we expect decisive action soon!

Please contact Marc Goodman at 216- 229- 8919 or Lisa McGuthry at 800-975-0731 should you have additional questions. Looking forward to a safe sidewalk sale!


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Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association
9:00 AM09:00

Plant Sale ~ Larchmere Community Association

  • 12621 Larchmere Boulevard Cleveland, OH, 44120 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

location ; 12621 Larchmere Blvd

Good news: the PreOrder part of the 21st Annual Larchmere Community Plant Sale is still happening! 

As always, PreOrder by Friday, May 1st to receive 10% discount. New and in honor of 2020, first time Pre-Orderers receive an additional $2.20 off orders over $20.20.

What better time to beautify your surroundings and grow locally sourced plants, fruits, veggies, flowers and herbs than during these challenging, Covid-19, stay-at-home, physical distancing times?! 

Your Pre-Ordered plants will be available May 9th/Mother’s Day Weekend.  Delivery within 3 miles is available if using check/cash or pre-paid. Credit Cards/PayPal may be used at the pick-up location on Larchmere—details will be included with your preorder confirmation. Let us adapt and be flexible to the current adjustments of our country and world, in respect to our community health.

For more info, forms or to contribute your time/talents: or call/text 216-269-9060

To fill out digitally--just download this Plant Sale Form open in Adobe Reader & complete. Be sure to save, then attach it to an email to  Or, print & complete by hand, then scan to email it, snail mail, or drop it off.

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Holiday Stroll Thanksgiving Weekend Fri & Sat 10-6.
to Nov 30

Holiday Stroll Thanksgiving Weekend Fri & Sat 10-6.

  • Google Calendar ICS


Make plans now to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend, strolling through Larchmere's Historic Commercial District.  

Bring the family along for a horse drawn carriage ride up and down the boulevard Friday & Saturday from 11:30 to 4:00, compliments of the Larchmere Merchant Association.  Pick-up and drop-off between 127th & 128th. Strolling carolers from 2-3pm, Girl Scout Troop 71726 will fill the streets with cheer!

Peruse the quaint shops for unique items you can't find on-line, complimentary treats and beverages served throughout the district. Need ideas?....pamper the cook with a pedicure or massage gift certificate, interior detailing for any type of hot rod, sign-up for drumming instruction, and of course, eat, shop and conduct all types of business on 10 blocks with diverse businesses young and old.

Select businesses will be open additionally on Sunday, November 25. Restaurants will be in full swing!


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